Poster @ EuroSys’23May 15, 2023Stratos Psomadakis from ICCS presented in the poster session of the 18th EuroSys conference (EuroSys’23) an ongoing work that acknowledges…Learn more
SESAME @ EuroSys’23May 15, 2023Christos Katsakioris from ICCS presented in the 1st Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies (SESAME @ EuroSys’23) an ongoing…Learn more
EUCloudEdgeIoT Concertation meetingMay 12, 2023Prof. Dionisios Pnevmatikatos and Dr. Konstantinos Nikas from ICCS and Dr. Thanos Stratikopoulos from the University of Manchester represented AERO…Learn more
MoreVM’s 2023March 13, 2023Thanos Stratikopoulos from the University of Manchester, presented in the 7th MoreVMs workshop (MoreVMs’23), an on-going work that acknowledges AERO.…Learn more