AERO @ RISER Workshop

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On Friday 9th of June, AERO participated in a clustering workshop organised by the RISER Project to promote collaboration among all EU-funded projects that work in the intersection of open-source technologies, RISC-V architecture, and cloud services. In particular, people from the AERO, RISER, OpenCUBE, and Vitamin-V projects and experts from the RISC-V community as well as the European Commission.

Our coordinator, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos from ICCS, gave an overview of the AERO project and then joined along with Juan Fumero from UNIMAN a panel that discussed “What is missing, if anything, for RISC-V to become a viable choice for Cloud services?”. 

Many interesting opinions were highlighted with special emphasis on the opportunity to create collaboration 

between all projects towards driving forward the easy adoption of cloud services on top of the RISC-V based EU processor designs. Stay tuned!


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