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Christos Katsakioris from ICCS presented FaaSRail in the 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’24), that took place in Pisa, Italy, on the 3rd of June.

The work was presented both in the main conference track, as well as in the 1st Workshop on Serverless at the Edge (SEATED @ HPDC’24).

FaaSRail has been developed in the context of the AERO project  and comprises a methodology and an open-source system that generates realistic and representative load for FaaS experimentation. This is accomplished by combining –in a statistically safe manner– an input production FaaS trace and a number of input Serverless benchmarking suites.

The presentation fostered an extended discussion among the peers about both Serverless in general, and in particular the intricacies of load generation in such environments.

The paper is available at the ACM Digital Library and can also be downloaded from the AERO website.  

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